
New installation, trouble shooting and maintenance to all makes and models from residential back up power to commercial back up and remote community or camp primary power.

We consult on generator size, ship, and install to both local and remote locations.

why would I want a generator?

solar and wind

Renewable sources of power have become more and more affordable! Houses, out buildings, and camps can benefit from renewable energy with no to little usable space requirement.

Never experience a blackout again thanks to battery backup. Reduce your electrical bill or feed back into the system for a return.

solar from a consumer stand point

Hydrogen generation

When Batteries are full, generate hydrogen!

Use your solar and turbines to generate hydrogen so there’s never a down time on energy harvesting.

When the sun isn’t shinning or wind not blowing, convert the gas back into usable power with the only by-product being water!

benefits of hydrogen generation

Let us help you find what you need.